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Digital Revolution

October 22, 2009, 8:04 am - James Farrer

I've been working on some wedding pictures for a friend and have been thinking about how good you had to be not that long ago. Before the digital photography revolution you had to shoot pictures more or less blind. I learned much of what I know on an old film Camera. It was a nice Nikon but didn't have auto-focus, or any other fully automatic settings. As near as I can tell it was a very nice camera when it was new and still functions beautifally today. It had an automatic shutter speed setting so you only had to do half the work and that was fantastic.

Taking pictures now with digital cameras is something completely different. You start with the same principles but then you've got a small computer built into the camera that can take care of everything or only a small amount depending on what you want. But in reality as long as it's in focus and you get in the general neighborhood there's always Photoshop to help cover up your lack of knowledge or skill. While I am in no ways perfect but I feel like I do a relatively good job before it ever gets to Photoshop. I've read on some photography forums that 1 in ten pictures is worth using by some photographers. Maybe I'm just not as picky or maybe my learning on a film camera helps me understand better what is going on but on a bad day maybe half the pictures are slightly out of focus or not framed quite right and are therefore not usable, but all in all most pictures seem to turn out alright. Most of which only need a small lighting adjustment.

Not to long ago I was looking at some wedding pictures of parents and grandparents, it's part of what got me thinking about this whole topic, and the pictures were decent. Considering the photographer had a one time shot to get the picture right and at best could control some of the lightness and maybe a little bit of the color saturation (for the later ones that were in color). That's pretty impressive.

It also makes me wonder about the number of photographers today. I am sure there are a significant number more now with the cost of quality equipment dropping as low as it has, but I still greatly respect those photographers of the past and present who can do a shoot and get it right the first time, without the aid of Photoshop.

Photography in the Digital Age

June 7, 2009, 11:03 pm - James Farrer

So tonight I ran across a blog that referenced an "AMAZING" photographer. As a photographer myself I will usually go and take a look to see what other photographers are doing. I'll admit, she was very good. She had a lot of good, creative shots. Then I took a look at the prices...WOW...also "AMAZING". I have no idea how long she's been taking photos but she must be good to charge the rates she does because with a family of five I know I won't be able to afford anything like that for the foreseeable future.

I started looking and realized I've been doing the whole package for the same price as she does just the sitting, before ever even considering the prints. All in all, I think I could deliver at least comparable results if not better. I'm happy to be taking pictures and getting a little bit of compensation for it.

With digital photography equipment becoming more and more plentiful I feel the old model of charging an arm and a leg for each print is not the best way to do it. You should get pictures. And we should all leave happier after seeing the results (including the price tag).

So hey, if you're thinking of having your pictures taken, give me a shot. Because when all is said and done, what I'll charge you is a drop in the bucket compared to what others may charge, you'll get great pictures, and if you really don't like them, you can still go to the more expensive folks and not feel like you were out too much.

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